Lord of the Rings Online gone, 5 more up for adoption

The Lord of the Rings Online fanlisting was adopted to Cass and is now located at http://fan.single-thread.net/lotro/ I still believe it is one of the best MMORPGs on the market, but I haven’t been online for a while, and most probably won’t come back. I’ve played and enjoyed this game since its release in 2007. It’s high time to move on to other projects. :ㅅ:

I also revisited all my fanlistings, and the following are up for adoption:

1. Boku no Koe
2. Fuura Kafka
3. Maki Usami
4. Nue fanlisting
5. Riyoko Ikeda


  • Be a fan, not a collector. :^.^:
  • In the application, include your website URL and a collective script you use.

Not necessary but very much appreciated:

  • Contact me before adopting it out in future.
  • E-mail all current members to notify them of the move.

Please, send applications via the contact form. Deadline for applications is December 11, 2012.

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